1044 W. Bryn Mawr Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60640

A play that centers on Doug Crockett and his two friends, high school seniors on the hockey team in rural Minnesota facing the military draft in 1966 and the elusive prospect of college. Vietnam is a looming presence. The friends are able to capture the combination of uncertainty and bravado unique to someone about to realize a dream of winning the state hockey championship and no idea how they are going to do it. The Narrator is a homeless looking man from the Vietnam War who tells the audience what they are going to see in the story of his youth. He says that one of the three is him, but he doesn’t say which one. All three went to Vietnam, and he was the only one to return. We capture the futility of wars of choice by our leaders and not one of necessity. How families are divided by the decision to fight and how it affects the entire community. There is an eerie parallel to Vietnam and Iraq, as the audience watches the drama unfold.. History repeating itself and lessons not learned are a theme woven throughout the play.

The Boys of Winter by Dean B. Kaner will be performed in a staged reading as part of The Last Play Standing 2 competition. The play will have a full staged reading including props, costumes, lights, sound, etc. The only thing missing is that the cast will NOT be off book. The audience will survey each these plays and the winning script will then be named The Last Play Standing. The winning script will then be solicited to be produced by a local theatre. We will give the theatre that decides to produce the winning script a minimum of $200 towards production costs.

$15 General Admission
$12 Students/Industry

Official Website: http://www.anotherchicago.org

Added by edgecomedy on October 23, 2007