A talk by Alastair Lansley, lead architect for the reconstruction and rebuilding of the Victorian gothic St Pancras Station
Cost: £10 including a glass of wine
"Within a decade, St Pancras is expected to handle half a million passengers a day. Its transformation includes a modern extension to the Midlands main line, Eurostar platforms, a new Thameslink station serving the north of London and a high-speed commuter service from Kent will be introduced in 2009.
With over 35 years experience in the multi disciplinary design of transport interchanges, Alastair Lansley is Rail Link Engineering’s lead architect and the man responsible for transforming the grade I-listed masterpiece into a world-class station and the London Terminus of the Channel Tunnel Rail Link."
Official Website: http://www.thersa.org/events/detail.asp?eventid=2342
Added by nico_macdonald on December 5, 2007