When: Tuesday, March 14, 2006, 6:30 to 8:15 pm
Speaker: Brian Lawrence (Principal, Coyote Valley Software)
Topic: Software Engineering: Facts or Fancy?
We hear many things that we either are or should be doing to deliver the right software in a timely and cost-effective manner. Some of these approaches are very popular, some are less so. But do we really know which of these approaches actually work? And how would we know if they did? In this presentation, Brian will offer some ideas and we'll examine some of the assumptions we make about software engineering. Which things that you currently believe in are indeed fact? And which are fancy? Let's learn together.
Speaker Information:
Brian Lawrence is principal of Coyote Valley Software (www.coyotevalley.com), a software consulting firm. Brian teaches and facilitates requirements modeling and management, inspection, project planning, risk management, life cycles, and design specification techniques. Coyote Valley Software has worked with software companies spanning the domain of the software industry, from out-of-the-gates software startups to package software publishers to defense contractors to biomedical and biotech companies. In 2000, Brian served as the editor of Software Testing and Quality Engineering Magazine. In addition to teaching in the University of California Santa Cruz Extension program in software engineering, he has also served as a program chair for the 1997 SEPG Conference as well as the 1998 International Conference on Requirements Engineering. Brian served on the editorial boards for Better Software (STQE) and IEEE Software. Contact him at brian@coyotevalley.com
The TechMart Building
Palo Alto Conference Room (on 5th floor)
5201 Great America Parkway (at Bunker Hill)
Santa Clara, California 95054
Facilities Hosted by Q Analysts, LLC
Added by foolswisdom on March 13, 2006