Sri Sri Yoga Course.
Sri Sri Yoga is a celebration of the diversity in Yoga in a thorough and
joyful manner. We combine yoga essentials- breathing techniques,
stretching and postures, meditation and relaxation, and yogic knowledge.
By incorporating all these beautiful facets of yoga we are able to look
deep beyond the level of the physical body and really sharpen our
sensitivity and awareness of subtler levels of existence. Practice of Sri
Sri Yoga cultivates a more healthy and happy lifestyle.
On a physical level, Yogic exercises strengthen, lengthen and replenish
muscle tissues, which helps hold bones and align the whole body. Holding
postures burns fat and reduces cholesterol. Yogic breathing brings more
oxygen to the heart and nourishes the whole system. The breath work also
aids in reducing toxin levels in the body by expelling unwanted stresses.
The Highlights of Sri Sri Yoga course can be succinctly captured by the
Five P's:
POWERFUL combination of postures, breathwork, relaxation and meditation.
This holistic combination works in synergy and lays foundation to create
exuberant health and enormous personal growth.
PERSONALIZE your practice based on your unique body type. Basic Ayurveda
is introduced in the workshop to identify one's body type and how the
practice can be tailor-made to maximize the health benefits.
PROFOUND wisdom from Classic Yoga texts including Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.
A thorough introduction and understanding of the principles of correct
posture, secrets of the breath and the purpose of meditation to elevate
the quality of the practice.
PRACTICAL tips from Yoga that can be applied in daily life. Examples: Yoga
and proper diet, how to handle stress in the mind and body in day-to-day
situations, how to bring harmony in our relationships and interactions
with people, and much more.
PEACE and tranquility combined with Energy and Enthusiasm. Experience the
unique combination of peace and sharp, focused awareness. From this state
of awareness creative ideas and solutions are born.
When: 21/Jul/2011 – 24/Jul/2011
Where: Please contact 201-725-8369
Weekday Timings: 6:30PM-9:30PM
Weekend Timings: 8:00AM-12:30PM
For information on free introductory sessions contact:
Ekaterina Dimitrova,, 201-725-8369
Added by muthu kumar on July 1, 2011