1834 Ocean Street
Santa Cruz, California 95060

The date of September 1st is when Sri Ramana Maharshi arrived at Arunachala, steadily abiding in and as the Self, where he would henceforth reveal the highest Nondual Truth with teachings of Self-Knowledge, showing the primary means of the path of Knowledge, Self-inquiry. This retreat, which precedes the celebration of that holy day, focuses on the Maharshi’s teachings contained within Upadesa Saram, Atma Vidya, and other short texts, with spiritual instruction about these teachings, and much time for silent meditation. This retreat is an immersion in the fusion of Knowledge and devotion.

Official Website: http://www.satramana.org/html/sri_ramana_maharshi_self-reali.htm

Added by SAT Temple Events on May 7, 2009

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