Breakthrough Cambridge, formerly Summerbridge, invites friends old and
new to Springfest 2009: Breakthrough Debut. The party is both a
celebration and fundraiser, with ample time for conversation,
opportunities to connect with Breakthrough staff and participants, a distinctive silent auction and
raffle, and a short program that promises to engage and entertain. Food for Springfest is
generously provided by Jules Catering. Music (jazz plus) by the
Bobby Tynes and Tracy Rose Duo.
6-7pmHors d'oeuvres, silent
auction, raffle, live jazz
7-7:30pmBreakthrough Debut
7:30-8pmMore delicious food
and great music
Learn more by about Breakthrough Cambridge by visiting us online:
Corporate Sponsorships
Bronze - $250.00
Two tickets to Springfest
Mention in the Springfest Program Guide *
Link on event page on Breakthrough Cambridge website
Silver - $500.00
Listing on Springfest Invitation *
Four tickets to Springfest
Cafe table seating on first-come, first-served basis
1/2 Page ad in Springfest Program Guide*
Logo prominently displayed in slideshow played at Springfest*
Recognition of sponsorship during the live program
Link on event page on Breakthrough Cambridge website
Gold - $1000.00
Listing on Springfest invitation *
Six tickets to Springfest
Cafe table seating on first-come, first-served basis
Full page ad in the Springfest program guide *
Recognition of sponsorship during the live program
Logo prominently displayed in Springfest slideshow*
Link and Logo on display on Breakthrough Cambridge website
Two tickets to our annual Education Event (December 3rd, 2009)
Mention in Education Event program guide
Platinum Event Underwriter - $2500.00
Centrally featured on Springfest invitation *
Eight tickets to Springfest
Cafe table seating reserved on first-come, first-served basis
Logo on front page of Springfest program guide and full-page ad on inside cover *
Recognition of sponsorship during the live program
Company logo prominently displayed on poster at event
Logo prominently displayed on Springfest slideshow*
Link and Logo on display on Breakthrough Cambridge website
Four tickets to Education Event (December 3rd, 2009)
Half page ad in Education Event program guide
* Invitation deadline Monday February 23. Program guide ad deadline Wednesday March 11. Slideshow logo deadline Monday March 30.
Organized by Breakthrough CambridgeFounded in 1992 as Summerbridge Cambridge, Breakthrough Cambridge is
the only year-round, tuition-free academic program in Cambridge, MA.
Serving mostly low-income students, Breakthrough Cambridge is a
six-year program comprised of an academically intensive two-year middle
school program and a high school support program that works with
students until college matriculation.
Visit Breakthrough Cambridge Online
Ticket Info: - General Admission, $75.00
- Non-profit / Young Professionals Rate, $30.00
- Honor Roll, $500.00
- Valedictorian, $1,000.00
- Donation Only, Free
- Corporate - Bronze, $250.00
- Corporate - Silver, $500.00
- Corporate - Gold, $1,000.00
- Corporate - Platinum, $2,500.00
Official Website: http://breakthroughcambridge-upcoming.eventbrite.com