TAPC Presents:
Spring Sales Symposium with WORLD FAMOUS John
Continental Breakfast, Food and Beverage Breaks Throughout The Day, Lunch, and
All Seminar Materials
$279.00 if
combined with a Package #1 or Package #2 TAPC Conference Package CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR CONFERENCE WITH SALES DAY
$399.00 if registering just for this day.
A Note from Our Speaker:
The Employment Industry has faced changes (and challenges)
throughout the 24 years I have been around it. I personally have witnessed
legal, economic, and style changes that have only given us the opportunity to
reshape, and reinvent ourselves (and the industry) time and time again.
As I prepare for the event coming up on April 9, 2009, I can
see that some of the things that I learned about selling and managing sales
people in this industry are still consistently true:
People who like to learn usually succeed.
People who have a good sense of humor usually continue to succeed
New ideas are the life blood of growing organizations,
creating success, fun, and revenue growth.
From where I sit, thats a pretty powerful combination.
Join us for a day that I personally GUARANTEE you will not
soon forget, AND that will help you make more money within 30 days!!!!
Why should I attend the TAPC Sales Seminar?
Because you will experience a day of innovation, of
reinforcement of your gut instincts, and a vision of a future selling season
that resonates with fun, excitement CHALLENGES and profit!
If you have lost a bit of the juice for what you are
doing, join us for an energetic session.
If you think there is nothing new in the selling lexicon,
join us for a day of innovation.
If you think it might be a good time to recharge the
intellectual batteries, join us for a powerful session, specifically geared
FUN, More FUN And Profit!!!
Who should attend?
Direct Hire Recruiters and Placement Professionals
Sales Managers
Regional Sales Managers
Sales People
Contingency Recruiters
11)Retained Search Professionals
What will I walk out with?
Klymshyn is renowned for delivering applicable content, in a
fun, fast-paced format.
You will learn:
The Three Pillars of Professional Selling
Moving Conversations Forward
The 20 Call Burst
The 5 Call Objectives
Million Dollar Questions
Handling Objections
Ten Tasks Today
Cold Calling insights and thoughts
Voice Mail Techniques
10)How to have fun, regardless of how the selling day is
This process has been adapted by a variety of companies over
the past ten years. These companies sell intangibles and services in the
business to business environment. Klymshyns approach is one that focuses on
the specifics of our industry: Serving people, making peoples lives better,
maintaining fee integrity, and having fun.
Who is the speaker?
John Klymshyn has been a recruiter, recruiter trainer, and
sales manager in the employment industry. He has spoken for regional and
national companies and associations, and is the author of three books.
His most recent work: How To Sell Without Being A
JERK! is an
international hit. Visit his myspace page: www.johnklymshyn.com
Klymshyn has spoken internationally for the past 10 years,
and has been rated as one of the best speakers by The American Staffing
Association three times. His insights into the industry helped make his second
book: The Ultimate Sales Managers Guide a huge success.
His wit, humor, and down-to-earth approaches are the result
of extensive study, personal experience, and lots of painful mistakes.
Come find out why Klymshyn is a repeat speaker for companies
like Four Seasons Hotels, Yahoo!, Harte Hanks, and some of the largest
Commercial real Estate and Hotel companies in the world. Klymshyn is also the
author of over 120 magazine, internet, and trade paper articles on the topics
of sales, business development, communication skills and management. A Yahoo or Google search of his last
name currently nets over 600 individual hits. John has been a guest speaker at
classes and extension seminars offered through The University of Southern
California, New York University, Antelope Valley College, Woodbury University,
and University of California at Los Angeles.
Organized by TAPCHelene Cavanaugh, CTS Executive Director,(TAPC) 713.653.4000 (local phone)1.888.974.2272 (phone) 1.866.488.7601 (fax) 13121 Louetta Road#1175 Cypress, Texas 77429
Ticket Info: Sales Day, $399.00
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/153708747/upcoming