The next meeting of the Maine Film and Video Association is scheduled for 5PM Tuesday, April 1, 2008 at Frontier Café in Brunswick and features a dynamic panel discussion on Marketing and Sales Strategies to boost your business. All are welcome. Free for members; $5 for non-members. Free refreshments; cash bar.
Presenters include:
Nancy Marshall; President of Nancy Marshall Communications. Her award-winning company, based in Augusta, is among Maine’s most respected public relations firms. With over 25 years of experience, Nancy has conducted scores of seminars focusing on Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses. Her background includes serving in public relations at Maine’s PBS station, MPBN.
Rick Dieffenbach; President of Allure Interactive Web (, based in Topsham, has constructed over 500 websites. Using participants own websites, he'll illustrate 10 must-know tips for making your website standout visually and in the search engines.
Members of MFVA; Jeff Dobbs, Huey, Greg Roscoe and other MFVA members will discuss the challenges and rewards of bringing their work to a larger audience. We’ll focus on the “sales” aspect of marketing, as we share our own particular success stories.
The meeting starts at 5:00 PM with a “meet and greet” and free refreshments, with cash bar. The panel discussion will commence at 6:00 PM. There is a meeting of the Board of Directors preceding the event.
Frontier Cafe is located in the Fort Andross Building: the large red mill at the north end of Maine St., Brunswick. Phone: 207-725-5222 Web:
14 Maine St. Mill 3 – Fort Andross, Brunswick, ME 04011
Check out the MFVA website at New annual membership fee $25 for individuals, $45 for organizations, $10 for students
Official Website:
Added by alanapost on February 18, 2008