1835 14th St., NW
Washington, District of Columbia

The reviews are in and the word is out: the Washington Improv Theater is the area's premier improv troupe. But WIT players do more than perform improv with great expertise; our players bring the same passion and strengths to teaching improv.

Discover a new sense of freedom and play. Meet other fun and interesting people. Get away from the grind of the scripted city. Our comprehensive curriculum brings a wealth of skills and experience to everyone.

People from all fields take our classes to gain experience thinking on their feet and to unleash their own creativity.

WIT offers classes for beginners and experienced improvisers, as well as sketch-writing and musical improv classes.

Register now! Find out what one of WIT's improv classes can do for you by checking out our frequently asked questions page or reading about our different classes at our website: www.WashingtonImprovTheater.com.

Classes begin the week of March 27. All classes meet for 3 hours a week for 7 weeks. Final showcases are on May 20 and 21.

If you have any questions, please email Murphy McHugh, WIT's Program Director, at murphy@washingtonimprovtheater.com.

Official Website: https://thriva.activenetwork.com/Reg4/%28S%28dqoghyu4rkkfchestdua0bjv%29%29/Form.aspx?regkey=RpYOYPxE378wNjTYCkFkMw%3d%3d&qid=4988

Added by Brent Anders on March 15, 2011

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