310 Douglas Drive,
Sandusky, Ohio 44870

Spring Herb Sale
by: Miss Sheppard's Kindergarten Class
to benefit Back to the Wild rehabilitation center.
Date: Thursday, April 30 - Friday, May 8.
8:15am-8:45am 3:20-3:45pm
Orders also available by phone or email.
Contact Information: 419-656-0403
Herbs available: Basil
Cost: $3 per plant
Get one of the first 25 coupons to "Buy 2 get 1 half-off!"
Coupons available beginning March 30th, 2009
Return your pot and get $1 back!

Organized by Miss Sheppard's Kindergarten
We are a group of 20 Kindergarten Students in Sandusky, Ohio! Help us raise money for the Back to the Wild Rehabilitation center! Purchase our home-grown natural herbs and help a great cause!

Ticket Info:  Spring Herb Sale!, Free

Official Website: http://springherbsale-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 20, 2009

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