This popular, annual event will include a variety of choral music, much of it taken from popular Broadway shows like Cats and West Side Story.
The choir will also perform three selections from Frostiana: Seven Country Songs, settings of Robert Frost poetry composed by Randall Thompson for mixed chorus and piano. Frost, himself, was present at the premier in 1959, but accounts vary as to his response to Thompson's musical rendition of his poetry. According to Wikipedia, “One asserts that at the end of Choose Something Like a Star Frost sprang from his seat and bellowed, ‘Play it again!’ Others assert that Frost was so disgusted by the abuse of his poetry that he forbade any of his verse from being set to music again.”
Ariel Toews-Ricotta directs, Maria Cimarelli accompanies.
Official Website:
Added by valeriekabat on April 21, 2010