It's been a long, cold winter, but let's welcome the first signs of Spring with an inner Spring cleanse of patterns and beliefs that no longer serve us. It's time to fully take hold of your life. Unrecognized ancestral patterns breed relationship, health, financial, and family issues that sometimes defy repeated attempts to transform them but they can be transformed with Family Constellations/Family Repatterning. Family Repatterning is an embodied method to uncover and resolve these past events and traumas in the present. Combining family constellation work (developed and practiced in Europe over the last twenty years) with mindfulness, ritual, beliefs, and scientifically proven guided imagery techniques, this method creates resolution and familial reconnection.
Organized by Family Healing/ Alison Rose LevyAlison Rose Levy, MA, has practiced health and energy healing since 1990. You can sign up for her Collective Realm ezine at: www.CollectiveRealm.com
A health coach, journalist, Huffington and Intent.com blogger, and best-selling writer, Alison trained with Bert Hellinger, Dietrich Klinghardt, Sneh Schnabel, Stephan Hausner and graduated from the Hellinger USA training in 2002. Alison received her BA from Sarah Lawrence (where she studied with Joseph Campbell) and her MA from American University. Her use of language, myth, and metaphor is key to her approach.> Alison presented at the Santa Barbara Five Day Constellation Immersion, the Eighth Annual Energy Psychology conference in Toronto as well as the International Congress of Constellation Facilitators and has current articles in the journal, The Knowing Field and the International Journal of Wholistic Healing Research. >
For more information, contact:
Ticket Info: - Non-member, $76.88
- Member Anthroposophical Society, $66.62
- Family Healing Partners, Free
- Two Person Discount, $133.25
- Three Person discount, $184.50
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/284395635/upcoming