605 Nc-54 W
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27516

April 4-8 Way of the Cougar. In this camp, following in the footsteps of the cougar, we will learn how to blend and flow with the landscape so that we can move silently in the forest. In the traditions of many native scouts around the world, we will learn the skills of stalking and the art of invisibility. These skills can allow us to get closer to the elusive animals of the forest so we can observe their behaviors more closely. In this camp, we will immerse ourselves in the joy of secret missions in the forest, we will cultivate the graciousness that comes from taking good care of the people around us, and we will experience the nobility of the animals that walk quietly among us. See the website for registration form and information. Questions? Call our office at (919) 489-0900.

Added by Upcoming Robot on February 2, 2011