Apr 12-16, 8:30am - 3:00pm all week, with extended care available
Spring Break
April 12-16
For Grades: 1-8
At Emerson School in Palo Alto, spring break means a new learning adventure...at school! For Emerson students, the excitement of learning continues year round.
This year, during the week of April 12, Emerson School opens its doors to outside students and offers a dynamic science camp for everyone wanting to share a stimulating journey.
This spring, the focus will be on plants and the magic of spring itself. The daily activities will include "hands-on" observations, experiments, and projects, including an extended project that will culminate on a small science fair on the last day of the camp. Field trips and visits by outside guests will emphasize the practical uses of biology and, perhaps, even stimulate career interests in the sciences. An interdisciplinary approach ensures that students experience science through art and music as well as the written word.
Topics covered will include basic biological structures, systems, and cycles, including the more sophisticated structures of cells, chromosomes, and DNA. Practical activities such as gardening and food preparation will be used to bring the principles of biology to life.
Consistent with Emerson's multi-age classrooms and individualized approach to learning, there are three different age groupings: Lower Elementary (grades 1-3), Upper Elementary (Grades 3-5), Middle School (grades 5-8).
Because it is project based, the spring camp is offered on a five-day basis only from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM. For two-career families, extended care is available at no additional charge from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. The full tuition for the week is $350.
For a more detailed description of the program and/or an application, please go to our website (www.headsup.org) or call 650-424-1267 and ask for Lauren.
Official Website: http://www.headsup.org
Added by FullCalendar on April 3, 2010