Comix hosts 12 ANGRY MASCOTS, an all-original sports-themed stand-up and sketch comedy show hosted by Scott Rogowsky (The Onion) and Neil Janowitz (ESPN). This month’s show features comedian Myq Kaplan (Live at Gotham), sketches with Nick Stevens and the Nice Brothers, and a surprise mystery Yankee!
12 ANGRY MASCOTS is the Tri-County Area's only variety/talk show devoted to that touchstone of all humankind endeavors: sports. Scott Rogowsky and Neil Janowitz welcome the Eastern Seaboard's finest sketch actors and comedians to mock the jocks and spoof the sports scene in a grand slam-packed show that culminates with a celebrity guest athlete interview.
MON, JUNE 29 @ 8:00 PM
353 West 14th Street
New York, NY 10014
Tickets are $10 in advance or $15 on the day of show plus a two item minimum in the showroom. Tickets are available for purchase at the box office, by calling 212.524.2500 or online at
Official Website: