£4 Entry on the Door
Dramatic, poetic, epic and soaring are just a few of the words that can describe Nebraska. Recalling the finer moments of Smashing Pumpkins, Manic Street Preachers and The Smiths, they blend this and make something very much their own.. Like a fearsome punch in the air they deliver a combustible live show with the emphasis very much on performance and in doing so they deliver a set of strident and mesmerising passion.
With choruses so big you could put them on your foot and kick a double Decker bus from London to Berwick-Upon-Tweed. Their debut album The Path To The Silent Country' was considered a breathtaking success by many areas of the music press. We can't wait for you to see them.
"A Stunning Debut" Artrocker
"Impressibly vast and epic….a superb debut" God Is In The TV Zine
The Official Secrets Act
Sometimes you come across a band and are immediately taken by their freshness, their exuberance and most importantly their musical spunk. The Official Secrets Act do this, imagine British Sea Power hooked up on sugar and playing with Maximo Park, this isn't what this trio sounds like it, but you'd be getting close.
Foot-stomping bass lines, enigmatic performances, and songs so catchy, frankly it's sickening. And it's EXACTLY what we love to hear. 'The Art of Being Sure' recently featured on an Artrocker compilation, and is nothing sort of brilliant. If there's a musical war going on, then these are the snipers, short, sharp and deadly....
Cop on the Edge
Dark, loopy, neon synth-pop meets neo-soul rock. Cop On The Edge have far too much going on to put down in mere words. With influences ranging from The Fall to Talking Heads, they teeter on the edge of a number of musical genres.
With a hop their over to electro-pop with the manic energy of their whirling keyboards, then they skip through new wave, out and out bubblegum pop with glorious dagger like songs. Just come, see and dance like your record collection depends on it.
The Blue Light District
Between sets to spice things up The Blue Light District will be screening eclectic line ups of work in all styles and genres, from film makers who are just starting out to those that are more accomplished. Expect short films, documentaries, animations, motion graphics, music videos as well as audio-visual art projects and more abstract pieces.
Music + Film = Much Love
Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/spoonofmusic
Added by higgott on May 14, 2007