Tired of watching the game by yourself? Tired of having to buy your own booze? Tired of not learning the latest tidbits about social advertising while playing beer pong against some Rails engineer you just met? Well, we've got you covered Mac!, as Spongecell presents:
(and Beer and Web 2.0-ish Mixing!)
We'll have some beers on ice, a bunch of computers running demos, the game on the big screen, some BBQ to fill your stomach, and whatever the heck else we can think of. All you need to do is show up and drink our booze!
Of course, us Sponges, we're almost all from CMU and that means one thing - it's gotta be the Steelers, the pride of Pittsburgh. You don't have to be a Steelers fan to drop in - but it helps!
The game starts at 5:30 PM, but stop by whenever. We may even head over to Mars for more drinks before/during/after.
Official Website: http://www.spongecell.com
Added by nikbonaddio on October 22, 2008