Spokane River Run is a 5k, 10k, 25k and 50K Trail Run with all four distances primarily ran on single-track trail. All distance are full loops (no laps).The course winds through thick pine forests set against basalt cliffs and ends with a tight twisty single-track next to the roaring Spokane River. Garfield Elementary School APPLE program benefits from the event which is ran by parent volunteers. To sign up go to www.spokaneriverrun.com
50K 8:15 a.m. $52
25K 8:45a.m. $40
5K 9:10 AM $25 (no shirt $17)
10K 9:45 AM $25 (no shirt $17)
Late Registration Postmarked after 4-8-09 $10
Official Website: http://www.spokaneriverrun.com
Added by spokeaho on February 11, 2009