This compelling Emmy Award winning documentary shows the dirty side of hydraulic fracturing and natural gas, an energy source the industry touts as a clean alternative to fossil fuels.
Imagine discovering that you don’t own the mineral rights under your land, and that an energy company plans to drill for natural gas two hundred feet from your front door. Imagine having little recourse, other than accepting an unregulated industry in your backyard. SPLIT ESTATE maps a tragedy in the making, as citizens in the path of a new drilling boom in the Rocky Mountain West struggle against the erosion of their civil liberties, their communities and their health.
A discussion on fracking will follow the screening, including Will Rostov, Staff Attorney at Earthjustice, who will discuss their challenge to unregulated fracking in California. Find out the latest up-to-the minute information on what is happening in this State and how you can get involved.
** FREE Admission**
This event is co-presented by the San Francisco Green Film Festival, Stegner Environmental Center and Green Stacks Program of the San Francisco Public Library.
More information:
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Added by San Francisco Green Film Festiva on January 25, 2013