55000 Hwy 1
Big Sur, California 93920

retreat with michael & anneli molin-skelton
may 30-june 4, 2010
esalen institute big sur, california

Our journey begins with one step, are you willing? Willing to listen within and trust the soft voice of soul calling you back home. To step into the life waiting for you to enter. A refuge of self.

As we journey we invite you to dance together the disparate parts of our self, to dance the gap between our self and others. To dance in the grace that we belong, to dance.

In this workshop using the awakening energy of the 5 rhythms as a catalyst and the hallowed ground of soul motion as a container we will move to unveil and unmask the unique and sacred expression of our own dance.

Mary Oliver writes, “one day you finally knew what you had to do, and began”
come begin again.

for registration contact esalen at (831) 667-3005 or email at information@esalen.org

you can find out more about us at http://www.spiritweaves.com/

Official Website: http://webapp.esalen.org/workshops/8394

Added by StaceyButcher on May 26, 2010

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