2001 Sheridan Rd
Evanston, Illinois 60208

Alumnus of top Indian institutes in Engineering (IIT) & Business Administration (IIM) and a senior disciple of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj, Swami Mukundananda will deliver a unique lecture on 'Spiritual Paradigm For Managers'.

Admission is FREE. Limited Seats. Register online at: http://www.jkyog.org/events_kellogg.html

Modern management thought in the industry and academia is increasingly appreciating the need for a spiritual dimension to management style.

The effectiveness that comes from spiritual wisdom, integrity of character & compassion, goes far beyond the techniques of management. This lecture will help you add the much-needed spiritual paradigm to the art of management.

Official Website: http://www.jkyog.org/events_kellogg.html

Added by SoulCall on October 5, 2010