We are spiritual beings, undergoing magnificent transformation in exceptionally tumultuous times. This workshop can help make sense of the chaos within and around us, the personal issues in our face, the physical and other sensory events we find ourselves experiencing. Most especially, this workshop can assist in healing those issues, ancient and new wounds, that change what we experience in our lives, the filters through wich we see ourselves and our lives. Expect background information about ourselves as spiritual/energy/physical beings in a multidimensional world; relaxation and meditation expression; and self-directed hands on healing work. Non-religious. Your instructor, Ari Deutchman, is a lifelong student and practitioner of healing, growth, and spirituality, with a BA in Nursing and a MA in Developmental Psychology, 16 years of energy/spiritual healing study and practice. She also works with childbirth as a doula, and with all of us as we are birthing ourselves into awareness.
Added by Isis Books and Gifts on March 4, 2009