On Saturday, August 21, Golden Gate Park will be ablaze with sacred energy, prayer, music and dance as the Center for Sacred Studies hosts SPIRIT RISING, a fundraiser for the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers.
Participants will be able to experience the sacred energy that surrounds the internationally acclaimed Grandmothers Council. Mayan Grandmother Flordemayo and Takelma Siletz Grandmother Agnes Baker Pilgrim will be present to bless and inspire participants. Emmy and Peabody award winning director Carole Hart will be honored at the event for her tireless work on the Grandmothers’ documentary film, For the Next 7 Generations.
Wisdom and Natalia Garcia
-- Drumming & Dance of all Nations, including Native American, Haitian, Taiko Sisters, Turtle Women Rising, Jaynie Lara
-- Jamaican reggae artist Ras Midas, bringing his message of social justice, love and unity
-- Indigenous soul performer Goodshield Aguilar
-- Native activist and First Nations artist Phillip Meshekey
-- Members of Goddess Alchemy Project
Inspirational speakers include Lynne Twist, Grandmother Agnes, Grandmother Flordemayo, Jyoti and Terces Engelhart.
A circle will be created within the event marking the 4 directions to honor the Grandmothers that come to us from around the world. Donations will be gratefully accepted at the circle and will be used to help bring all 13 Grandmothers along with their prayers to Japan, the ancestral home of Grandmother Clara Shinobu Iura, in October of this year.
Added by Ana Elizabeth on August 9, 2010