2000 East Lloyd Street
Pensacola, Florida 32503

Spirit Of Light Expo 2008


Sat, Nov 1 & Sun, Nov 2, 2008
Bayview Community Center (& Park), 2000 E Lloyd Street, Pensacola, Florida

We define "Light" as joy, absolute joy! Coming together each year since 2002 (in 2007 we were on hiatus) we have provided a gathering place for the joyful:

As our guiding phrase proclaims, "Healing the Body, Illuminating the Mind, Inspiring the Spirit, Embracing Life!; it doesn't matter if you are part of a mainstream religious group, an eager seeker, just "a bit spiritual," or well on your way to ascension, this gathering is for you.

Once, again, we hope to bring the area together to facilitate a healing from within for the highest good of all.

The Spirit Of Light Expo, numerologically - in its inner feeling, or soul urge as its sometimes called - is a 44, which is the master number associated with the manifestation of spiritual power on the earthly plane. This is the year of new beginnings and of Self expression and having the ability to tap into one's own spiritual power is a gift we all have.

Be a part of this grand celebration on these auspicious dates: the 1st and 2nd of November combine to form the holidays All Saints Day and All Souls Day, also known as Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) in the Latin community; in each tradition the idea of honoring those who have passed from this earth is central. We are also planning a wild Halloween costume party to precede the event!

This year's event will be our sixth annual, and, instead of admission, we'd like you to bring food - if you are so moved to do so - for one the area's food banks (and please include our canine/feline friends with your donation, as well) (see http://unitedwayescambia.org and http://mannafoodpantries.org). Also, this year we'd like to make it possible for everyone who wants to have a booth to get one, i.e, go in with your friends, take a few months to pay (contact Marlene at support@solexpo.org about that...); in any case, the goal this year is no admission as well as availability for all.

We will post each new speaker as they join us, they will be having workshops, and they may ask you for donations. The first to join is Shelley Kaehr, Ph.D., http://shelleykaehr.com, who is known, not only for her books (Crystal Skull Consciousness, and Beyond Reality: Evidence of Parallel Universes, just to name a few), but also for her groundbreaking work in hypnotherapy and an enormous love for gemstone healing. Also joining us is Alice McCall, http://www.healingpath.info, who with her beloved canine assistant Keta, practices what is known as transformational energy healing. Ms. McCall works at the cellular level with the mind-body connection to transform blocks of dense negative energy causing your health/emotional issue or unwanted life patterns. Her clients tell her that her work is "life changing" and "has helped when all else has failed." Actively assisted by her degree in Psychology, She has helped hundreds of clients to grow and develop spiritually, as well as helping them heal health and emotional issues. And our very own Sharon Renae will be there. Sharon has had the ability to see angels, spirits, auras and apparitions since her childhood, but it wasn't until she was 27 that she realized she could use her special psychic gifts to help people in profound ways. She has a vast clientele and has been called our "local John Edwards" for her amazing ability to connect us with those who have passed. Sharon will be bringing her very special Messages from the Light on Sunday, so don't miss that!

So, come one, come all! Come for the fun, catch a workshop or your favorite speaker, enjoy an exhibit, eat great food, listen to wonderful music all day, both days, or get a Detox foot bath. Have your cards read, your fortune told, your future lives mapped or just get your back rubbed! There will be love and laughter everywhere!

For more information, go to the website, http://solexpo.org, or contact me, below,
in love, light, laughter and joy,

Marlene G DeTienne
Spirit Of Light Expo

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of freepsychic.

Added by pensacolaevent on September 2, 2008

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