Central Park West
New York, New York 10023

'Spiders Alive!' immerses visitors in the fascinating and complex world of spiders. Among the most versatile animals on the planet, they inhabit every continent but Antarctica and are able to survive in environments that range from deserts to rainforests to crowded cities. Spiders are also important predators. By one estimate, the spiders on one acre of land alone consume more than 40 pounds of insects a year. Scientists have identified over 42,000 species of spiders to date, and there are at least as many more out there to be discovered. Among the live spiders visitors will encounter in this exhibition are the goliath bird eater, one of the largest spiders in the world, whose prey includes snakes, mice and frogs; the western black widow, one of the few North American spiders truly harmful to people; and species from other arachnid orders, including African whip spiders, whose whip-like feelers, up to 10 inches in length, help the animal find its way. 'Spiders Alive!' will explore spiders' silk, venom, and little-known defensive mechanisms such as mimicry. The exhibition will also include larger-than-life models, videos, interactive exhibits and fossils.

Added by Upcoming Robot on July 6, 2012