6 William St.
Somerville, Massachusetts 02144

"SPIDER" JOHN KOERNER has been an influential practitioner of traditional folk music and country blues since the days of the late-'50s/early-'60s folk revival. Both in his group, Koerner, Ray & Glover, and on his own, he has helped popularize early folk and blues music through his performances and recordings, directly affecting the careers of Bob Dylan and Bonnie Raitt, and influencing many others.

ELIZABETH BUTTERS doesn't feel like she fits in this time period. Her answer to this quandary is an aesthetic and aural leap backward—not to the '90s, or the '80s, but much, much farther. Butters says that she identifies most strongly with the 1930s, when Ford Model T's still rumbled and paved roads were at a premium.

RESERVATIONS - notlobreservations (at) comcast.net

RADIO INTERVIEW ~ 6/2 - SJK live in studio interview on Eli Polonsky's "Lost and Found" (noon-2pm), about 12:30pm eastern for 1/2 hour at least, WMBR Cambridge, 88.1FM streaming online at http://www.wmbr.org

Official Website: http://notlobmusic.googlepages.com

Added by Notlob on May 29, 2009