4895 Las Virgenes Dr.
Calabasas, California 91302

Add someone new to your network every 6 minutes! Speednetworking is a fun, fast way to grow your list of business contacts. Whether you are looking for clients, referral partners or services to grow your business, speednetworking can help you...quickly.

You will meet face-to-face, one-on-one with up to 15 people. These are 6 minute "mini meetings" where you and one other person discuss your respective businesses. When the bell rings, you move to the next seat and meet someone new! After the event is over, reconnect with the people you were particularly interested in and establish a date and time to meet again.

Cost is $10 online in advance and $20 at the door. To register, go to https://www.5minutenetworking.com/ExternalEvents/OurEvent.aspx?id=2b5578c7-0095-42ce-b139-6671b6a50ca7

If you would like to promote your business by sponsoring this, or another Shades of Business event, call Nia ASAP! I can be reached at (888) 824-8700.

Added by ShadesOfBusiness on July 16, 2009

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