We've just witnessed the most important election of our lifetime. At the Public Forum Institute we are looking ahead, anticipating a revitalization of civic participation and preparing to help launch a new experiment in participatory politics. With the participation of congressional staff, we seek to foster more meaningful, productive relationship with the citizens you serve and make sustainable, positive change in your local districts and nationwide.
Are you a Hill staffer looking for fresh ways to enhance the productivity of Congress? Are you a professional seeking to volunteer as a liaison between representatives and the citizens they serve? Are you a young entrepreneur exploring alternative revenue streams? Do you envision a more innovative government? If you say, 'Yes' to any of these questions, then join us on Nov. 18th to unleash solutions to strengthening our democracy via creativity and collaboration.
In celebration of the Global Entrepreneurship Week's launch, we proudly present a special speednetworking event for those interested in enterprising our government with the power of creativity and collaboration. This is a free event open to the public. Let's exchange ideas! Special goodies: Unleash It! Promos, T-shirts, Snacks, and Beverages!
Added by ddobro on November 11, 2008