301 Mill Street
Occoquan, Virginia 22125

Single Professionals
Tuesday, January 22, 2008 at 7:00PM
Meet the MOST ELIGIBLE SINGLES in Prince William County. Join us for a great Monday evening of mixing and mingling at Occoquan Inn, Occoquan.
Ages: Men - 43 - 57 Women - 42 – 55

Here's what you'll get

- Fabulous Complementary Appetizers

- Cash Bar

- Door Prize

- 8 Great Dates in 1 Fun Night!

Join us for what promises to be an evening you will not want to miss! Not only will you meet 8 Single Professionals for comfortable one-on-one conversation, you’ll also be treated to delicious appetizers! Unlike a “normal” trip to a bar, you will be interacting with singles that have been pre-screened, ensuring that you will meet people that you WANT to talk to. We GUARANTEE you’ll meet someone you want to see again or your next event is on us!

The scenic Occoquan Inn is conveniently located on Mill Street, over looking the Occoquan River. It is known for delicious fare, warm and intimate ambience and an upscale bar and clientele.

Our 8 Minute Dates at the Occoquan Inn will be a GREAT event for meeting quality singles! So please remember that space is limited and advance registration is required.
8 Great Dates in 1 Fun Night!

Occoquan Inn
301 Mill Street
Occoquan, VA 22125
Cost: $35

Info Contact: Stephanie Keyes
Email: Stephanie.keyes@8minuteDating.com

Official Website: http://www.8minuteDating.com

Added by Stephanie at 8minuteDating.com on December 16, 2007