Speed-Dating: allows you to skip the excruciating hit-or-miss first date experience. Instead, with DateandDash you can chat with a large pool of people, choose your favorites, and see if they choose you! About 20-30 3 min. mini dates a night!
We have the largest and the most fun singles parties in Chicago, but don’t just take our word, see it for yourself.
We reserved the very Vertigo for our party from 8:00pm-11:00pm.
Come explore our newest ultra luxury venue in Chicago and date in style at Vertigo, where breathtaking Chicago’s skyline views are within an arm’s reach. With unsurpassed location, interior design, great views and bunch of hot singles, it is sure to be a great singles party.
YOU MUST RSVP in advance, because spots are very limited (about 40 daters).
Official Website: http://www.dateanddash.com
Added by DateAndDash123 on December 17, 2009