919 Granville St.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Are you looking to chill with new people, have a few drinks, make new friends or find something more?

Here is your chance to sit down, one on one for 20 three minute dates all in one night!

You get to decide who you like and want to get to know more. You can choose 5 people, 10 or all 20!

3 minutes is just enough time to get the sparks flying and drinks flowing.

If you are between the ages of 20-30, and would like to participate, please email info@bluelite.ca. Registration ends Friday, March 10.

Place: Tonic Nightclub 919 Granville St, Vancouver
Date: Wednesday, March 15
Time: 9:00pm

Bluelite Entertainment

Added by Bluelite on March 4, 2006

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