229 king street
Charleston, South Carolina 29401

At these events you will get a check list, after each date you can either check yes or no. At the end of all you dates we figure out the mutual agreements and exchancge the numbers for you. The cost of this is only $10 and you pay at the door but in order to get into the door you must pre register for the event. If you have anymore questions please feel free to call me at 843-901-0976.

thank you,


Added by dickandjanespeeddatingsc on December 4, 2008



How do you get registered?


I would be interested but I am 45 so I need another five years on this age group.


need more info.. ie how to register, and how many people are expected


All you have to do to register is send me the name you would like to have on the checklist your phone number and your gender to dickandjanespeedatingsc@yahoo.com or speeddating843@yahoo.com


20 people will be there 10 men and 10 ladies. You only have 1 more day to r.s.v.p. and there is only 2 availible spots left for the women and 1 availible for the men.


Hey what's up? I am metallicafan119 and I am currently a sophmore in high school. Can you please make a speed dating service for us guys between the ages of 13 through 18. Please consider this. It will help you make more money if you are trying to make a profit off of this. Thank you.


I am not able to make it to this one; besides it is probably full by this point anyway but when are these events usually held? Monthly? Weekly?


these events are held weekly. We do have some availible spots for 2 ladies right now but thats it.


i would like to try and make it to one of these events.. maybe you will hold some down in the summerville area?

also kindly contact me aboutany special larger scale events for the holidays. yethyl@yahoo.com