Whales to Windmills: Inventions Inspired by the Sea. Where: Auditorium. When: 11:30 a.m., 1 p.m., 2:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m. Length: 15 minutes. In this 15-minute live program, you'll learn how whales, sharks, boxfish and other ocean critters are providing inspiration for new inventions that are greening and cleaning up our planet. Project White Shark. Where: Auditorium. When: 3 p.m. Length: 15 minutes. Learn about our efforts to better understand the life history of these threatened and fascinating ocean predators, as well as the steps we are taking to tag and exhibit white sharks. Mysteries of the Deep. Where: Auditorium. When: 12:30 p.m. Length: 15 minutes. Plunge below the cold, dark waters of Monterey Canyon and see amazing deep sea creatures with the help of robot submersibles used by scientists at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. You can ask questions and decide which animals to see--you'll even "join" the expedition via a live link if the ship is on a mission. You Otter Know--Where: Auditorium. When: 2 p.m. Length: 15 minutes. Have fun, win prizes and learn how to protect sea otters in the wild. In this entertaining live program, we'll choose three contestants from the audience to see who knows the most about sea otters! See the website for more daily activities.
Added by Upcoming Robot on May 2, 2011