How do museums decide what artworks to choose for the permanent collection? The process is complex, but at its most basic, the works in the collection need to relate to each other in a variety of ways. 'Speaking Parts' explores this concept through a selection of works from the museum's collection organized around a mixed-media construction by Northwest artist Dennis Evans
Added by Upcoming Robot on June 11, 2009
Can't leave out the director--again, fabulous job!
Green Fields
This play was absolutely fantastic. I found it riveting, thought-provoking, so well-written, imaginative...everything! Playwrite Michelle Storm's unique interpretation was amazing--how she developed each character, and in turn how the actors themselves performed their roles to such a realistic extent.
All the actors were outstanding, making the play totally compelling: The interplay between the priest and Mordecai, the Hebrew and Christian prayers, the background music, the interplay between faiths...the psychological aspects of Mordecai, the astounding performance by the Hispanic Estrella, and Esther... the graceful dances by the Harem girls, even the demeanor of the guards--all in all, I found the results quite moving.