In celebration of International Women's Day, Women of Color Resource Center will host SPEAKING FIERCE, an evening of art, spoken word, humor & music. International Women's Day is a day for women on all continents to come together to celebrate their struggle for equality, justice, peace and development. WCRC will commemorate our day with performances and stories of creative resistance by leading women of color artists/activists. Join us for inspiring performances and interactive creative activities for the whole family.
Tickets $10-$25
No one turned away for lack of funds
Bushra Rehman, Brooklyn-Based Pakistani Poet & Co-editor of Colonize This! Young Women of Color on Today's Feminism
Climbing Poetree, Spoken Word/Performance Art
Technological Empowerment & Media Project of Oakland (TEMPO)
Service Women's Action Network (SWAN)
Special Guest Appearance by
Jennifer Johns, R&B World Music Singer
Co-Sponsored by: Art in Action, BAY-Peace, Colorlines Magazine, Codepink, Courage to Resist, EBASE (East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy), East Bay Peace Action, Global Exchange, Global Women's Fund, National Radio Project, Peace Action West, Rainforest Action Network, Speakout, War Times, The Women’s Building, Women's International League of Peace & Freedom (SF Branch)
For more info, call 510-444-2700 x305,
Official Website:
Added by wcrc on February 12, 2008