The new show, produced by Mills Entertainment, is a musical parody of Fifty Shades of Grey, the risqué novel which recently surpassed Harry Potter to become the fastest selling paperback of all time. Michael Mills, producer of SPANK!, says audience members can expect “a laugh-filled evening that captures all the escapist fun and absurdity of the novel. The Fifty Shades characters are brought to life with sexy and fun musical numbers: ” Part Second City, part Chippendales,” SPANK! delivers big laughs, sexy fun, and lots of surprises.
Ticket buyers are encouraged to arrive early (doors open at 6:30pm) to enjoy the company of friends and partake in a signature SPANK! cocktail being concocted especially for the occasion. Fans can take a photo with the handsome and seductive star of the show, and meet and greet the entire cast following each performance.
Added by MarissaV on November 18, 2012