West Station, Nevile Terrace
Tunbridge Wells, England TN2 5QY

A nostalgic weekend for all the family to enjoy. Join the Spa Valley Railway, Groombridge Place and the Pantiles for a festival of 1940’s army vehicles, period dress, spivs and coppers, evacuation and goods trains, a WWII fighter fly-past, plus a chance to enjoy ration-book cookery (only with bigger helpings) in the NAAFI canteen on Groombridge station! There will be dancing throughout the weekend, and a concert of period popular music on Saturday evening in the Pantiles. Free connecting vintage bus from the station to Groombridge Place

Name: Spa Valley Railway
Phone: 01892 537715
Email: dauntz88@btinternet.com

Added by Armed Forces Day on May 23, 2009