Southwick Village
Fareham, England PO17 6EJ

The Southwick village Armed Forces Day will consist of seventy Service personnel from Southwick Park Station, with a band, marching from the camp through the village, passed a saluting dais, where the Station Commander and Southwick Estate Squire will take the salute.

The parade will halt outside the village parish church of St James', where the local and military clergy will conduct a Service of Remembrance. The collection will go towards the Southwick Park Station Memorial Fund, and a church charity of choice. After the Service, Service personnel and local villagers will walk to the village D Day Memorial Hall, where the local community will host military and their families to afternoon tea. Later that evening, invited local guests will attend a cocktail Party and Sunset and flag lowering ceremony in the gardens of the Officers' Mess, Southwick House.

All personnel are invited to attend the parade and church service, and support their local Service personnel.

Contact details:

Name: Major Trevor Winchcombe
Phone: 02392 284656

Added by Armed Forces Day on May 24, 2010

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