The Southland Honors awards and LALC Tenth Anniversary reception. 6:30-9:30p.m.at The Renberg Theatre at the Ed Gould Village, 1125 n McCadden Pl, Los Angeles, CA 90038
Cocktail Reception 6:30 - 7:30p.m., Awards 7:30 - 9:30 pm.
Ticket includes admission to the cocktail reception, hors d'oeuvres,2 drink tickets and admission to the awards ceremony.
The Southland Honors awards were created to nurture an attitude of integrity and community pride, preserve leather traditions, and to recognize community service.
The awards are given annually by the Los Angeles Leather Coalition.
Organized by Los Angeles Leather CoalitionThe LALC will facilitate communication and mutual understanding among different segments of the leather - affiliated community, as well as promote unity through cooperative endeavors that offer entertainment, education, social interaction, and community service.
LALC will be supportive of its constituents' events and activities, and will work to increase mutual participation in and cooperation among the community.
Ticket Info: Southland Honors, $30.99
Official Website: http://slhonors-upcoming.eventbrite.com