696 Charles Allen Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30308

"Southern Hospitality"
An exchange show with Nashville's Twist Gallery featuring new work by Nashville locals Erin Plew, Duncan McDaniel, and John Whitten.

Opening Saturday May 9th 8-11PM
Through May 31th

Beep Beep Gallery
696 Charles Allen Drive
Atlanta, Ga 30308


In an effort to both promote local art as well as create a dialog between art institutions, Atlanta's Beep Beep Gallery and Nashville's Twist Galleries have traded curatorial duties for the month of May. May 2nd at Twist Gallery there will be an opening for Atlanta artists Jason R. Butcher and Ann-Marie Manker, and May 9th at Beep Beep Gallery there will be an opening for Nashville artists Erin Plew, Duncan McDaniel, and John Whitten

Official Website: http://www.beepbeepgallery.com

Added by beeplaura on April 24, 2009

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