800 West Katella Avenue
Anaheim, California CA 92802

If you're into photography, this is one event you can't miss!

It doesn't matter if it's your business, hobby, or you simply want to learn to take better pictures - come to the Southern California Photo Expo to see and experience the latest digital cameras, imaging software, accessories, and services on the market today. Live demonstrations, free workshops, drawings, and giveaways are some of the highlights of the family-friendly one-day event.

All admission prices include a welcome bag and access to all workshops and demonstrations.

Single Admission (18 years and older) -- $15.00, or free with Military I.D.
Family Admission (2 adults and up to 4 kids) -- $25.00
Seniors (55 and older) -- $10.00
Children 17 & under -- Free (must be accompanied by paid adult)

Camera Clubs? Student Clubs? You bet! Bring everyone! Contact us at funphotoexpo@pmai.org for a group ticket order form.

The expo is produced by PMA – The Worldwide Community of Imaging Associations.

Official Website: http://www.funphotoexpo.com

Added by amymcgibbon on January 13, 2010

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