Preceded at 7 pm with a Lecture by James Harley on the historical significance of Chowning's work. A concert of works that places John Chowning's unique approach to quad spatialization in historical perspective. Pieces will be introduced with commentary by our special guest Kevin Austin.
Songes by Jean-Claude Risset
Stria, Phoné and Turenas by John Chowning
Plus Entity Mulheim Installation
by Marc Behrens
also at the theatre Centre
Entity Mülheim is an audiovisual installation that has also been issued as a double DVD release. The entity referred to in the piece is a district of Cologne, characterized in two ways: through two individuals, who could be regarded as typical for the two biggest population groups in Mülheim (on the one hand the German population, on the other hand the Turkish immigrants respectively the integrated Turkish-Germans, first through third generation) and by its architectural and urban conditions. The latter are also affected by social and economic circumstances.
Official Website:
Added by NAISA on October 21, 2008