To commemorate the first annual World Listening Day on July 18th, the Canadian Association for Sound Ecology will co-present with New Adventures in Sound Art two simultaneous sets of events beginning at 1pm - one on Centre Island and the other at the Artscape Wychwood Barns. For the Centre Island SOUNDwalk, meet our SOUNDwalk leader at the Pavilion, Island-side on Centre Island at 1pm, enjoy the many different acoustic spaces that the Island has to offer and end the walk with a special presentation of Synthecycletron by Barry Prophet. For the Artscape Wychwood Barns SOUNDwalk, meet our SOUNDwalk leader at the NAISA space at 1pm, discover the variety of urban soundscapes in the neighbourhoods adjacent to the Artscape Wychwood Barns and return to the NAISA space for a soundscape concert of works on the theme Ecology: Water, Air, Sound. Dress for the weather as both of these events will happen come rain or shine.
What is a SOUNDwalk? In a soundwalk, the listening “audience” moves through a place and the environment “performs.” The walking listener and the environment create a unique piece together that can only occur during the time of the walk. In a soundwalk we take the time to hear the environment: we are its true ear witnesses. And like any musician, the environment offers us its sounds for our consideration.
Added by NAISA on July 2, 2010