6675 Westwood Blvd, Suite 145
Orlando, Florida 32821

Course Description
This two-day class guides you through editing audio files, repair field recordings, perform multitrack arranging and mixing, synchronize audio and video, analyze and fix common audio problems, and perform other creative sound design techniques. This course focuses on practical, professional techniques used to add professional music and sound effects to video and multimedia projects.

Who should attend?
This course is designed for those who want to learn the basics of audio content creation, editing, and mixing and who prefer hands-on, interactive instruction to best explore the audio functionality of Final Cut Studio.

Students should have the following prerequisite knowledge prior to attending the course:
• Basic knowledge of the Macintosh OS X
• Basic knowledge of audio terminology is recommended

Course Outline - Day 1
Note: The curricula below comprise activities typically covered in a class at this skill level. The instructor may, at his/her discretion, adjust the lesson plan to meet the needs of the class.
Lesson 1: Sound Editing Basics
• Understanding the Sound Editing Process, Cleaning Dialogue, Integrating Sound Effects and Adding Music
Lesson 2: Sound Mixing Basics
• Offline Mixing, Online Mixing, Mixing in Soundtrack Pro, Sending to a STP Multitrack Project, Performing Basic Mixing Tasks, Adjusting and Automating Levels, Conforming and Returning to Final Cut Pro
Lesson 3: Getting to Know Soundtrack Pro
• Using the Frequency Spectrum View, Controlling the Spectrum, and Working with Frequency
Lesson 4: Recording in Soundtrack Pro
• Understanding Panes, Tabs and Window Layouts, Setting Project Properties, Controlling Playback, Navigating the Timeline and Exploring the Track Header
Lesson 5: Fixing Audio Files
• Sending to an STP Audio File Project, Exploring the File Editor Project View, Navigating the Waveform Display, Redrawing Waveforms, Analyzing an Audio File, Working with Actions, Noise Reduction, Returning to Final Cut Pro and Saving an Action as an AppleScript
Lesson 6: Recording Dialogue
• Opening a Multitrack Project, Working with Tracks, Setting Up for Recording, Recording a Single Take, Collecting the Project and Using Punch Recording

Course Outline - Day 2
Lesson 7: Editing Dialogue
• Using the Editing Tools, Arranging Clips, Basic Mixing, Using the Noise Reduction Process and Adding with Ambient Noise
Lesson 8: Multitake Editing (ADR)
• Using the Multitake Editor, Adding a Guide Track, Organizing the Takes, Slipping Takes, Creating a Composite Take and Smoothing Transitions
Lesson 9: Spotting Sound Effects
• Setting Up for Spotting, Exploring the Bin and the Browser, Using the the Multipoint Video HUD, Three-Point Edits, Using Fades and Using Envelopes to Create Fades
Lesson 10: Scoring Using Loops
• Setting Up for Music Production, the Search Tab, Adding Music Beds, Working with Loops and Using Markers
Lesson 11: Mixing Multitrack Projects
Exploring the Mixer, Using Submixes, Adding DSP Effects to Mixer Tracks, Automating the Mix, Using Busses, Using the Master Channel and Surround Sound Mixing

Added by FMC_Orlando on March 1, 2011

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