605 S Mason St
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524

Join us for a Night of Dinner, Silent Auction, Drinks, Dancing and Music featuring The Kingpins in Celebration and Support of the Fort Collins Housing Authority Resident Services. Tickets $30
This Annual Charity Event Soul of the City is to Benefit FCHA, Fort Collins Housing Authority Raising Money for Local Families for Housing and Self-Improvement. Hosted by Avogadros Number on their beautiful covered outdoor patio.

FCHA: To provide and promote safe and affordable housing, economic opportunity and a living environment free from discrimination. Because our properties are owned by non-profit public entities that exist to provide affordable housing for low income families, we treat our tenants like people, not profits. The Fort Collins Housing Authority has many programs and options to assist you in finding a home, regardless of your income.

Take the time to review last years event pictures in photo gallery or video at shortcuts below, of the setup process and Event and see the great time, everyone had. You won't be dissappointed.
September12, 2009
6PM-11PM Tickets: $30
Saturday..............6PM - 11PM

Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/soulofthecity09

Added by soulofthecity2009 on July 18, 2009