Pre-purchase tickets now and save money for SOUL LOUNGE MEMPHIS!with PJ Morton Saturday, April 11, 2009 @ Euphoria (704 Madison Ave).....Rated Nashville's #1 Event for LIVE Soul Music -----> Doors open at 8pm. Seating is limited so....Get Tickets while they last.
Contact 4 more INFO ----> 615-818-7871
Click HERE to view details
This event entails special guests, give-aways, the best Soul Music in the South, Energy from outta space and much more....Come network, listen,Lounge and dance yr life away to a SOULFUL evening!!
Web: www.myCDparty.com ---> listen / purchase PJ Morton music!
Network: The Soul Lounge Network ---> Meet other Soul Lounge Heads
Experience: Photos from previous shows!!!- See Beautiful Soul Music Lovers
Organized by MyCDparty.comMyCDparty.com and MyCDparty LIVE! events sell and promote independent music worldwide mainly through an online store (myCDparty.com) and LIVE music events in several cities.
Ticket Info: - Soul Lounger!, $15.99
- Group Tickets (10 Tickets), $102.50
- Group Tickets (20 tickets), $205.00
- Group Tickets (35 tickets), $358.75
Official Website: http://pjmortonsoulloungememphis-upcoming.eventbrite.com