2640 N. Figueroa St.
Los Angeles, California 90065

Over the past two years,
we've been fortunate enough to continue to grow
while still offering unique vibes with each night we do,
from the different worlds of music to the visuals and altar pieces.

If you've shared a night with us more than once,
it means you are just as much of an open-minded
music lover as we are. Thank you.

If someone has played here before,
it means they put their love of music first.

For this reason we have so much respect
for all the amazing guests, from DJs to musicians to bands,
that have blessed our space. Thank you.

It's been an amazing two years of beautiful music,
beautiful vibes, and beautiful people,
and we'd love to celebrate with you!

For this occasion, we are honored to feature
a collective of sambistas dedicated to bringing
an authentic experience to the city of Los Angeles.

This style of "roots" or "vintage" samba
rarely gets played live outside of Brasil,
and to hear this dynamic group of musicians
in the intimate setting that is Footsie's
will be quite a treat, to say the very least.

If you are free to join us for this truly special occasion,
your presence would bring us that much closer...

SOUL IN THE PARK [ wednesday, 07.28.10 ]


a special live set by:


resident selector:



FREE / 21+ / 10pm-2am

Footsie's Bar
2640 N. Figueroa St.
Los Angeles, CA 90065


Brought to you by LIGHTFRIENDS.

Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/soulinthepark

Added by matwiran on July 21, 2010

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