975 Howard Street @ 6th Street
San Francisco, California 94103

Come see the debut performance of SoShe's Performance Collective, "Postcards."

When: July 26th and 27th @ 8pm

Where: 975 Howard Street/The Garage, @ 6th Street in San Francisco

Price: sliding scale of $10-20, buy tickets @ brownpapertickets.com

Contact Info: soshescollective@gmail.com or www.myspace/soshescollective.com

About the SoShe's:
Soshe's Performance Collective, founded by Brianna Taylor, Julie Wolfrum, Kerri Myers, and Daina Block, was created in hopes of promoting artists to collaborate and manifest change in ourselves, as well as others. This is no small feat, saving the world from a colorless, cubicle-contained society, but have no fear, your fabulous, creative, all-inspiring collective is here. Our goal is to start with a small pool of artists and expand to include the artist in everyone, including the artist in accountants, nana's, bra fitters, jewelers, massage therapists, even skeptical scientists. That's what this collective is all about: art for everyone.

About "Postcards":
"Postcards" is the first of many performances that will be produced by the SoShe's Performance Collective, featuring the choreography of the founding members, as well as performances by Mike Brezinski and Alison Yoder. This show represents the physical expression of the soul's connection to the surrounding environment. Whether it be urban or natural, an inner landscape or afar off land, SoShe's Collective is a gathering of artists investigating the soul in time and space through inspired performance inventions. Come witness the premiere of the Collective, dedicated to making art for everyone.

Official Website: http://www.myspace/soshescollective.com

Added by AlisonY on July 20, 2008

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