2484 East Warner Road
Gilbert, Arizona 85296

The third annual Sonoma Ranch Elementary PTSO Golf Tournament will be held at Greenfield Lakes Golf Course, Gilbert, Arizona (Greenfield & Warner Roads) at 7:30 a.m., on Saturday, April 25th, 2009. All money raised from this golf tournament will go directly to Sonoma Ranch Elementary, to fund the costly school activities held throughout the year. Family team entries are encouraged, as are teams with Sonoma Ranch Stallion aged children. Email us directly at sonomagolf@cox.net if you are interested in sponsoring a hole or donating a prize for the raffle drawings, or would like more information. The cost of this years event is $50.00 per adult / $40.00 per student, which includes 18 holes of golf, golf cart, and BBQ luncheon. Four team players are preferred, but you will be paired with others if you do not have a full four some. There will be a MAXIMUM of 28 teams. Individual 1st place team trophies will be handed out to the winners. Other on course contests will be performed on the course for men, women, and elementary aged kids. The tournament is played as a 4 team scramble (Best ball), with women and Elementary school kids playing from the women's tees. Players will be testing their skills on the course on 12 designated "Hole-In-One" holes located across the course. Prizes include Cruises, Airline Tickets, Vacations AND $10,000 CASH which will be split directly down the middle, with $5,000 going to the hole in one recipient, and $5,000 going to Sonoma Ranch Elementary! Great prizes will be awarded for the winners! A raffle will be held the day of the tournament for over 50 great items donated by local businesses and families. Lots of fun for golfers and non-golfers of ALL AGES! Bring the kids down, and enjoy the family atmosphere at Greenfield Lakes Golf Course, while helping raise funds for the greatest Gilbert Elementary School - Sonoma Ranch Elementary!

Official Website: http://members.cox.net/sonomagolf/index.html

Added by tlitchaz on November 20, 2008