Downtown Los Angeles
Los angeles, California 90001

The Band SONOCLIP from Venezuela, Colombia, Puerto Rico and Mexico will be performing in one of the BIGGEST music festivals en the heart of Los Angeles "FIESTA BROADWAY" this coming April 28th at the Burger king's stage.
Then, the world famous "TEMPLE BAR" will host a concert at 9:00 pm on May 8th where SONOCLIP will be sharing the stage with 2 more acts.
This up-beat band its been chosen to play in one of the biggest and most important musical festivals in the U.S. "VIVA CHICAGO" representing the Caribbean and Latin-American rhythms.
Is a great band to see and enjoy.
La agrupacion SONOCLIP, de Venezuela, Colombia, Puerto Rico y Mexico ha sido escojida para participar en uno de los festivales musicales mas grandes de Los Angeles "FIESTA BROADWAY" el 28 de abril en el escenario de Burger King.
Poco despues SONOCLIP estara de concierto en el mundialmente famoso "TEMPLE BAR" el 8 de Mayo a las 9pm junto a dos artistas locales.
Este grupo de ritmo alegre y mucha energia, ha sido escojido para ser parte de uno de los festivales musicales mas grandes de la union Americana "VIVA CHICAGO" representando los sabrosos ritmos del Caribe y Latino-America.
Definitivamente es una agrupacion para disfrutar!

Official Website:

Added by sonoclip on April 10, 2008

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